On the golden sands of Cornwall nature provides a perfect blank canvas to deliver immediate, visible messages and creations. The giving and taking of the ocean gives space, for a limited time, to convey these messages and dreams. Sax Berlin is channeling this experience of impermanence to bring forth a truly heartfelt plea to humanity to end war and bloodshed. His beach art is a perfect foil to the transcendant and transitory nature of the tides. The pieces reflect the urgency of the ocean and the urgency of his mission. Sax believes this to be a true calling from a higher plane; it’s something that wells up through the depths and he viscerally pours out his message into the sand. It’s a spontaneous, rapid process flowing through him, as conduit, to the call to action. Berlin believes fundamentally that he is an Emissary of Peace and is using his prodigious talent to sound a clarion call to stop the fighting, bombing and bloodshed. The ocean will reclaim his creations and, as the waves swallow the images they continue to swirl in the depths and circulate through the currents to bring Berlin’s message to a wider, humanitarian audience. This is an urgent mission to create an urgent message: Stop War!